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This is a city picture on our homepage


This is our bussiness logo that has arrows

we help business owners and service providers create an eye-catching online presence so that they can focus on working on their business instead of working

in their business.

taking out the


This is a roadmap used as an analogy to guide our clients to their destination

Social Push offers:


✅ Graphic Design

✅ Website Design

✅ Social Media Management


We know as a business owner you’re busy, so we provide a custom roadmap to help meet your business needs and build an effective online presence for your business and brand.


More Traffic = More Awareness

More Awareness = More Impact

More Impact = More Growth

who is it for:

Social Push is for you if you’re a business owner or service provider who wants to build your business authentically and save more time so you can focus on what matters most to you.

if this is for you, you’re probably struggling with:

1.   Creating consistent content or other design work needed for your businesses.

2.   Developing a simple understanding for your audience to know what you do and who you are.

3.   Building an online platform.

4.   Developing visibility and authority so your audience understands how they can benefit from your services/product.



youtube thumbnails



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social media stories

social media posts



✅ You’re in a position to scale and invest: There are no hard feelings if you can’t start right away. We want you to be in a position that’s right for you. It’s ideal for business owners who are making at least $5000/month to work with us. That said, we have other packages to work off of if you’re not in that position.

✅ You already have somewhat of an audience: Having an audience helps bring momentum when you post. This is not saying you need 10,000 followers. But to start from 0 would be difficult yet not impossible. In order to have traction, it’s ideal to have a bit of a following though we're not limited to this.


✅ You’re willing to do the homework with us: This is a relationship, not a cookie-cutter relationship. Therefore it's a two-way street. In order to succeed you need to put in the work (which isn't much) with us so we can help you succeed on our end.


✅ You’re willing to allow Social Push to intervene to meet the needs of your business: Sometimes there are people who want control over everything. But if you can trust us to execute the things we tell you, this is not only going to be a good fit for you but will allow you to get your time back.


✅ You’re a team player: Social Push is not a course or done-for-you program. We work together. If you like working with a team, you’re going to be in good company.


❌ You have an ego: We’re all working toward the same goal. Our business cannot succeed if you don’t succeed. If you are unwilling to learn and adapt to any sort of change and think you already know it all, we’re probably not going to be a good fit for you.

❌ You’re looking for a quick fix to market yourself: If you’re impatient and hate change, this is going to be hard for you. Organic growth takes time and trends are changing on the regular. Learning to adapt to what works and what doesn’t is part of the process. So if you’re looking to go viral after a few weeks with minimal work, this may not be for you.

❌ You’re not willing to put in the work with us: In order to succeed, there’s work you’ll need to put in. If that’s something you won’t enjoy doing then we won’t be able to execute our planning and strategies.

❌ You’re an independent player: Social Push is about working as a team. If you like to keep to yourself, it’s no hard feelings but we just won’t be able to do all that we’ll set out to do for your business.



it's time to elevate your business and brand.

At the end of the day, you can continue to do this on your own. You can choose to sit around and research social media strategies, look up how to build your own website, and bring everything together in a cohesive manner or...


You can choose to take a step out and let the world know who you are and the solution you bring.


Take advantage of our framework that will help bring clarity, visibility and authority to your online presence.

the time is now.

let us help you make 2024 your best year yet.


I'm Mike, I'm a social media manager and website designer that provides services to those who want to elevate their business and bring relief to their day to day.

I'm here to give you practical advice, strategies and my own experience so you know that you'll be taken care of.

My wife and I live in Saskatoon, Canada.


We've been here since 2019 after I took a position as a Youth Pastor.


After I resigned, I worked in Life Insurance where I still work now but Social Push is the bread and butter for me.

I've always loved being creative and want to make an impact on people where ever I go. That said, this is where my services come in handy. I get the best of both worlds.

meet mike

Picture of business owner Mike Rogers




My wife and I have been married since 2019 but we met in 2010 where I spent 9 years in the friend zone. Over the 9 years, we were best friends. Let me tell you fellas, there's still hope ;)


In my spare time, I like to work out, play chess and create anything digitally or any systems for productivity. I'm also a keener when it comes to time management.

I was a Youth Pastor for 8 years and through those years I developed my skills in graphic design, social media, web design, videography and photography. This is what brings me to where I am today!

Connecting Dots

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let’s give your business what it needs to grow.

please give us 24 hours to respond. 


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